Annual Events

200th Anniversary Design Contests
As we approach our 200th anniversary we would like to encourage our members to submit designs for a Society Tartan, Logo and a label for our commemorative Whiskey.
Whiskey Label:
The label dimensions are 3.5” wide, by 4.5” tall. Note the small notch at the top that sticks up 3/16" and is 9/16" wide. Example of Label
We are looking to update our current logo, all ideas are encouraged! Current Logo
Design a tartan on this website - bonus points if you can connect the colors you use with a feature in Cincinnati. https://clan.com/tartandesigner
Submission should be emailed to: TheCaledonianSociety@gmail.com

Rabbie Burns Supper
Every year, Scots around the world gather together to celebrate the life and works of the Scottish poet, Robert Burns. The Caledonian Society of Cincinnati will be providing an evening of Scottish entertainment, including pipes & drums, highland dancing, Scottish country dancing, and more!
Ticket price includes wine and beer, buffet style dinner, and entertainment.
Prices will go up on January 15th! Please order early. After January 15th, pricing will be Member $55, Non-Member $60, Child $35
Attire: Cocktail, Kilts, business casual.
Silent Auction: If you have an item you would like to donate to the auction to benefit the Scholarship Fund, please contact Jamie Gordon JamieGordon20@gmail.com
If you prefer to mail us a check, please send us a list of your guests names and ticket type (include any children 0-3 years old to help with seating needs) and mail to:
Larry Pauly
3076 Spencerhill Ln
Cincinnati, OH 45226
Checks should be payable to Caledonian Society of Cincinnati

Annual General Meeting
This year we’ll hold our AGM at Westwood First Presbyterian Church.
Please RSVP so we know how many to expect. If you do have any agenda items that you want to make sure we discuss, please send us a note to thecaledoniansociety@gmail.com.
Following the meeting, we will have a potluck dinner. Please bring an item to share based on the first letter of your last name. Please provide your own beverages:
A-G Appetizer
H-S Main or Side Dish
T-Z Dessert
All members must be in good standing in order to vote (Paid previous years' memberships and 2025 dues)

St. Andrew's Scottish Ball
Please join us for a grand event at our 197th St. Andrew's Ball! Don your kilt, gown or other formal attire and immerse yourself in the grandeur of Scottish Culture. The event will take place in the stunning Hilton Netherland's Hall of Mirrors in downtown Cincinnati. We are pleased to have kept the ticket prices the same as last year and the chef has put together an elegant menu of Scottish inspired entrees and desserts.
Enjoy Dinner, dancing and performances by Cincinnati Caledonian Pipes and Drums, Highland Dancers, Country Dancing, traditional "Address to a Haggis" and more. Ballroom Dancing music provided by the Pete Wagner Big Band.
Pricing will increase as we get closer to the Ball - be an early bird and save!
Founder's Day Corn Roast
Please join us for our annual Corn Roast! Festivities begin at 3pm and continue till we run out of corn. And good news - Loveland has added a new parking lot!
Questions? Contact Robert Reid, robertreid111@hotmail.com, 513-227-3644 call/text.
We will provide burgers, brats, metts, hot dogs, corn, and soft drinks. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. BYOB. Cans only, bottles are not permitted. We are in a DORA area, so you can also purchase drinks from the local bars. There are picnic tables, but best to bring your own chair.
If your last name falls between A to J, please bring a desert. If it is K to O, please bring an appetizer. If it is P to Z please bring a side dish.

Spring Meeting
Join fellow members for an evening of camaraderie as we gather to celebrate Tartan Day! We will be meeting at the home of Chris and Jessica McLennan. There will be a potluck dinner with officers of the Society providing main course selections. We ask that attendees bring something to share based on the first letter of your last name. For your own enjoyment, please BYOB!
A-F bring a dessert
G-L bring appetizers
M-R bring a side dish
S-Z bring non-alcoholic drinks
At the meeting, members will be entertained by host, Chris McLennan on small pipes. The building committee will also present some initial thoughts on the journey we've started. Plan on providing some thoughts and feedback on the topic as we will all want to particiapte in whatever capacity we are able to make this dream a reality.
There is no cost to attend the event but please RSVP so we can plan our food selections and space requirements. Tartan dress is highly recommended, especially since it is Tartan Day!

Building Fund Planning Meeting
Members of the Society: We are forming a Building Fund Committee and we will be meeting to discuss the future of our Building Fund (currently just over $50k)
Goals of the meeting include:
Deciding if we would like to move forward with a property/building
Planning funding and finding investors
Planned uses and income opportunities
Please join us if you would like to be a part of this committee going forward.

Rabbie Burns Supper
Every year, Scots around the world gather together to celebrate the life and works of the Scottish poet, Robert Burns. The Caledonian Society of Cincinnati will be providing an evening of Scottish entertainment, including pipes & drums, highland dancing, Scottish country dancing, and more!
Ticket price includes wine and beer, buffet style dinner, and entertainment.
Cash bar will also be available.
Attire: Cocktail, Kilts, business casual.

Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting of the membership. Please submit your RSVP

St. Andrew’s Ball
Our signature annual event, the St. Andrew's Tartan Ball started in 1827 and is a grand evening of Scottish entertainment, dancing and music. Recommended attire is Formal Kilt, Black Tie, Military Dress.

Annual Founder’s Day Corn Roast
Join us for our annual Founder’s Day Corn Roast. Details are being finalized but please save the date!

Rabbie Burns Supper
Every year, Scots around the world gather together to celebrate the life and works of the Scottish poet, Robert Burns. The Caledonian Society of Cincinnati will be providing an evening of Scottish entertainment, including pipes & drums, highland dancing, Scottish country dancing, and more!
Ticket price includes wine and beer, buffet style dinner, and entertainment.
Cash bar will also be available.
Attire: Cocktail, Kilts, business casual.